I am blessed to work for an employer who believes in giving back to the community and has a very generous gift match program. I have always taken advantage of my Gap Match and believed I had maxed it as we can do a lot through payroll deduction.
While printing out info for my taxes, I decided to see if WorldHelp was a 501c3 as Gap does not support religious organizations unless than have a sector devoted to social responsibility. I was overjoyed when I saw that WorldHelp came up as an organization that qualified for Gap, Inc. Then my heart sank as putting my donations through WorldHelp would mean removing that match from other organizations. For some reason a link I don’t remember seeing caught my eye and I discovered I actually had close to $2500 more available for me to have matched. I read the fine print and it said it could not be used for education but otherwise as long as the donation was made within 3 months of the match request I was good.
Remember back to the earlier post on my Audacious Prayer? Yep, the one where I wrote the check and emptied my emergency fund? Remember part of my audacious prayer was to have $1000 to put toward the school so they could have supplies to make bags ahead of time and not be dependent on the order?
I just filled out a one page form and very soon, Gap, Inc will be giving a check to WorldHelp for about $2500 that Cyrus will give direction to the school to buy fabric to get orders made in advance and use the balance for bicycles or additional sewing equipment for the school.
God took what I thought was the answer to the audacious request and showed me through an every day act of printing out a tax receipt what audacious answer to prayer looked like
Obedience brings unexpected blessings. May we have the courage to be obedient no matter the cost as we have know idea how God will use that obedience to bring blessings.
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