Living Water International is an organization I whole heartedly support since we entered the story with Advent Conspiracy as a Church. I have loved giving water in honor of others and believe in the mission. My team at work has enjoyed knowing water was given in their name and have valued it as a gift.
My head knows that clean, running water is not a commodity the world over but it wasn’t until I saw the plastic yellow jugs in Rwanda that it broke my heart. As in most cultures, children get the grunt work; hauling water is one of the chores children are given. Bikes are a luxury so walking is how you get water. Now that might not seem to us in America a big deal until we realize that depending on where the nearest well is they are walking miles. Children spend four or five hours a day hauling water based on the location and how many are in their family. Now that is not every family and every area, but it is a fact of life for many. A well in ones community is a BLESSING!
Stones serve as markers on the road in the Eastern Province noting the kilometers to the water well. Visualize it is your second, third or fourth trip with your arms tired and aching from lugging two jugs of water miles each way; stopping to find some shade from the hot sun and rest your feet. Feet screaming from the heat and aching from being so tired carrying the weight of the water because you don’t have sneakers that have high support and cushioning;if you have sandals it is a bonus.
Blessed are those who have a well in their community and have short distances to walk. Thrilled are those who have a bike loading it up with water jugs to make fewer trips and increase efficiency.
Americans – we drink bottled water and many times we don’t finish the bottle and dump it down the drain. We see water as a given that is a normal part of our every day life. We don’t ration it, we don’t think about the fact that if we want to take a shower we are going to have to haul the water. We may in fact take 2 or more showers a day based on if we have worked out and/or are going out and want to look fresh. If we had to spend a few hours a day lugging our water (that would not be to the perfect temperature because they don’t have a water heater) would we shower as often as we do?
Awareness as it relates to finishing my water, eliminating water bottles and using the tap water has been a simple step I am taking to remind me every time I turn on the faucet I am blessed; I am accountable to drink all that I pour into my glass.
I am more energized about Living Water and helping others connect to such a ministry in the market place around the word assessing the needs and providing the deep water wells. As we think about what Jesus would want for His birthday, I am confident clean water would be high on his list. Franklin Graham shared what was behind his forming of Samaritan’s Purse, “you must meet physical needs before people can hear about the one who can meet their spiritual needs.”
Join me this Christmas in honoring those you love and work with by giving them clean water. Living Water now has gift cards that allow the gift recipient to choose the project the money that was given in their name goes to. This year in addition to the projects you can also give to a specific country like Rwanda. What a great way to get kids involved in the mission, helping them learn about the need for clean water and how they can help others around the world.
Check out the link below to join the conspiracy and provide clean water that will not only sustain life it will open many to hear about the one who gives true life as that is the reason Jesus came.
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